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Six Pixels of Separation Podcast

Sep 28, 2014

Welcome to episode #429 of Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast. I love Tom Peters. I've declared it before and it's true. So, this is a total fanboy moment for me. A couple of weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to up the quality of conversation on this podcast. At the same time, I realized that there are a handful of my true idols that I've always either been scared or intimidated to ask to come on the podcast with me. I decided to make a list. Tom Peters was at the top. I never thought that he would ever agree. He responded almost right away. I've met him, in person, several times over the past decade. We've had some great chats. My level of respect for his thinking about business, marketing, and branding grows with every tweet, blog post, article and book that he writes. If you have never had the chance to see him present, you really should. He puts on a clinic in how to deliver a great presentation that oozes with big brains. Don't know who Tom Peters is? Really? Few people have shaped the idea of modern management more than he has over the last six decades. In 1982 he co-authored the seminal business book, In Search Of Excellence, which has been named one of the top three business books of the century by NPR. That's just the beginning of his accolades. For my dollar, he's changed almost everything I thought I knew about business through a series of books called The Reinventing Work Series 50List Books. The Project50 (thanks for turning me on to this, Andy Nulman) and The Brand You50 are the ones that have sent me deep down the rabbit hole of business non-fiction books. In 2003, I devoured Re-Imagine! Business Excellence In A Disruptive Age, and it still sits within arm's reach on my desk (one of the only books to do so). So, how is business doing in 2014? What does he think of personal brands, considering that he wrote the article, The Brand Called You, in Fast Company back in 1997 and - literally - ushered in the era of individuals as brands? We tackle it all and more. Enjoy the conversation... 

Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #429 - Host: Mitch Joel.

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #429 - Host: Mitch Joel.
