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Six Pixels of Separation Podcast

Dec 29, 2008

Welcome to episode #136 of Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast. Christopher S. Penn scares me (in the best possible way). He may be the Chief Technology Office over at the Student Loan Network, but he really is one of the smartest and most powerful online marketers I know. He has his now-famous, The Financial Aid Podcast, he is the co-host of the amazing Podcast, Marketing Over Coffee, he is the co-founder of PodCamp and now the author of the free ebook, The Twitter Power Guide. Take a listen to this discussion about Twitter and what it means to business and marketing. Enjoy the conversation...

Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #136 - Host: Mitch Joel.

Please join the conversation by sending in questions, feedback and ways to improve Six Pixels Of Separation. Please let me know what you think or leave an audio comment at: +1 206-666-6056.

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #136 - Host: Mitch Joel.
