Nov 25, 2007
Welcome to episode #79 of Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast. It seems like I've had a flurry of great conversations with the who's who of the Digital Marketing landscape, and this week is no exception. I had the pleasure of hanging out with Debbie Weil - author of The Corporate Blogging Book and Blogger over at BlogWrite For CEOs when we both presented at Webcom Montreal last week. This conversation is all about how corporations are leveraging Blogs and how far we've come in such a short period of time. The topic of online social networks, privacy and information is babbled about in two audio comments, so please feel free to add your voice and thoughts to the community. Enjoy this conversation...
Here it is: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #79 - Host: Mitch Joel.
Please join the conversation by sending in questions, feedback and ways to improve Six Pixels Of Separation. Please let me know what you think or leave an audio comment at: +1 206-666-6056.
Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels Of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast - Episode #79 - Host: Mitch Joel.
Tags: advertising anthony robbins blogging blogs blogwrite for ceos business canadian marketing association corporate blogging book debbie weil digital innovation award digital marketing doug haslam facebook for immediate release foreword thinking google government of canada iab canada interactive to the max itunes loretta laroche marketing mike lipkin motivational books online social network podcast podcasting power within privacy comission robin browne shel holtz six pixels of separation social media marketing topaz partners twist image webcom montreal widgets