Oct 28, 2018
Welcome to episode #642 of Six Pixels of Separation.
Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - Episode #642 - Host: Mitch Joel. Chalk this conversation up to the well-worn thought: "how is is that we had never connected before?" I have been a fan of Allen Adamson's work. His books, BrandSimple and BrandDigital were awesome (I still have not read The Edge - 50 Tips from Brands That Lead). Allen is a respected branding expert. He has worked with a broad spectrum of consumer and corporate businesses across a myriad of industries. He is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Metaforce, a marketing and product consultancy. How organizations do – or do not - stay relevant is the subject of Allen’s most recent book, Shift Ahead (co-authored with Joel Steckel). Using first-hand accounts and case studies, Shift Ahead explains how the best organizations recognize when it’s time to change direction, and how they pull it off while building their brands. So, let's figure this shift out! Enjoy the conversation...